Curated and Programmed the short films of three filmmakers and one film collective – Manuel Huerta, Bertha Alicia Aguilar Garcia, Eve-Lauryn LaFountain, and LA Co-Media (Los Angeles Collective Media) at the Santa Fe Art Institute (SFAI) in Santa Fe, New Mexico, Summer 2023.
Curator of CSU San Bernardino’s Introduction to Chicanx Art, Visual Studies, and New Genres student artists’ works into Glass Cases in the Visual Arts Center, 2019-2020.
Curator at Self-Help Graphics & Art for Digital Storytelling Workshop Series, 2019
Co-Curator at Self-Help Graphics & Art for CalArts’s Community Art Partnership Program’s Self-Help Graphics & AmeriCorps Culmination Event, for the 2017-2018 Media Mash Up Class, 2018
Co-Curator at Los Angeles Center for Digital Art’s Community Art Partnership Multi-Program AmeriCorps Culmination Event, for the 2016-2017 K-through-12 CalArts Classes, 2017
Co-Curator at Self-Help Graphics & Art for CalArts’s Community Art Partnership Program’s Self-Help Graphics & AmeriCorps Culmination Event, for the 2016-2017 Media Mash Up Class, 2017
24th San Diego Latino Film Festival Selection Committee, 2017
Co-Curator at Los Angeles Center for Digital Art’s Community Art Partnership Multi-Program Culmination Event, for the 2015-2016 Media Mash Up CalArts Class, 2016
Co-Curator at Self-Help Graphics & Art for CalArts’s Community Art Partnership Program’s Self-Help Graphics Culmination Event, for the 2015-2016 Media Mash Up Class, 2016
Creator and Co-Curator of an Online-Trans-Continental-Filmmaking Collective, Filmmaking The World, dedicated to international screenings and discussions via Adobe Connect, 2014-2015
Curator at CalArts’s Black & White Theater, for Un Pueblo dentro de una Gran Ciudad/A Small Town within a Grand City, with a ‘Q & A’ session moderated by Diego Robles and participated by members of Comite de la Esperanza and Bérénice Reynaud, 2014
Curator Mentor and Assistant for MI GENTE’S Film Festival at CalArts, 2013 and 2014
Head Coordinator and Curator of MI GENTE’s Latino/a & Chicano/a Cinema Series: “What is Chicano/a Cinema? What is Chicano/a? What is Cinema? Is Chicano/a Cinema_____? What!? Chicano/a Cinema!?”, 2013
Ruins and Magnavoz by Jesse Lerner, with an Introduction by Thom Andersen and ‘Q & A’ session moderated by Diego Robles and Thom Andersen, 2013
Progress by Andres Garza, with an Introduction by Gary Mairs and ‘Q & A’ session moderated by Diego Robles and Gary Mairs, 2013
Head Organizer of ‘Woman and Film’, a Co-Curated set of screenings in ‘Film Today’, a, historic Film/Video Course taught by Berenice Reynaud at CalArts, 2013
Co-Curator for MI GENTE’s Latino/a & Chicano/a Student-Artists Series: Luis Flores, in the Video Studio, CalArts, 2013
“Sprawl 4.0” Poetry and Experimental Narrative Readings, Highland Park, Los Angeles, 2013
Guest Poet in SUNDAY JUMP at “Kapistahan Grill”, Historic Filipinotown, Los Angeles, 2013
“Sprawl 3.0” Poetry and Experimental Narrative Readings, Spring Arts Tower Downtown, Los Angeles, 2013
“Sprawl 2.0” Poetry and Experimental Narrative Readings, California Institute of the Arts Butler Building, Los Angeles, 2013
‘6 Friends’ was a show co-curated of and by 6 artists from 4 different countries, exhibiting video installations that interrogate the meaning of borders, collage, assemblage, similitude, and difference. The video installations were shown for a about a week in C113, a Film/Video Gallery Space, at CalArts, 2012
Guest Poet in SUNDAY JUMP at “Tribal Café”, Historic Filipinotown, Los Angeles, 2012
“Sprawl 1.0” Poetry and Experimental Narrative Readings, California Institute of the Arts Butler Building, Los Angeles, 2012
Co-Curator for MI GENTE’S Film Festival at CalArts, 2011 and 2012
Video Curator for the Cal Art’s “Quasi-Cinemateque”, 2011 and 2012